Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Last week
I didn't update last week because I was angry. I gained 1.0 pounds bringing me back up to 223.8. Very depressing, but I saw it coming. I had that shower on Sunday and it was all downhill from there until WI on Wednesday. I think I've been doing decent this week. We shall see in the morning.
posted by Jamie at 2:51 PM - 1 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Week Two
Back at WW today. I lost 5.0 pounds so official weight is 222.8. I'm down to where I thought I was to begin with. I really couldn't believe the scale last week. Truly horrifying.

My thoughts for today..... I feel like I am living on popcorn. I eat it waaaaay too much because it is core. I need to focus on the fruits and veggies for snacks. They're core, too, dumbass.

I really want to start moving more this week. Lisa and I took the kids to the zoo yesterday and according to her, we burned 600 calories. Score! I want to go walk at the zoo or the park a few times a week. It's a hell of a workout when you are pulling a wagon, let me tell you. Especially that damn ramp at the zoo. Pushing a stroller was bad enough, but -pulling- is another story!
posted by Jamie at 6:23 PM - 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Well, the colonoscopy was a month ago and apparently I'm fine. I did have a polyp, but I haven't head anything else, so it must be benign or whatever they call it.

I started Weight Watchers again yesterday. I wanted to do it on my own, I really did.... but I kept putting it off and putting it off. I guess I just need the accountability. I also <3 the recognition when I do well. There is a Mom and tot class on Wednesdays where you can bring your kids, so that's what I am trying. I'm doing Core again. I did really well with it last time, but gained everything back when I quit.

Also, last time I was excited to start. This time, I feel like I am really depriving myself. I have A LOT of habits that are going to be rough to break. One big one I noticed today is that I snack off Ivy's plate A LOT. The extra cheese from her hot dog, I eat. I was getting her a bowl of dry cereal for a snack.... grabbed a handful for me. Put it back, don't worry. That's something I really need to focus on.

Who wants to know how fat I am??

Still no pictures, but I weighed 227.8 yesterday. Sick.

Measurements -- (I think I'll do these once a month. Weekly might be a little much)
  • Bust: 47.5"
  • Chest: 41.25"
  • Waist: 42.75"
  • Hips: 51.5"
  • Thighs: R= 24" L= 24.25"
  • Calves: R= 17.25" L=17"
  • Upper arm: R= 14" L=14"
Question.... do I want my calves to get bigger? Like, for muscle? I got this list of things to measure off of about.com and the calves confused me. They also had forearms, but that one really threw me for a loop, so I didn't do it.

I guess this is really the beginning. Go me.
posted by Jamie at 8:12 PM - 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Blood Type Diet
This diet says that the most important factor in deciding what foods to eat is what your blood type is. The diet is advocated by Peter D'Adamo. His book Eat Right 4 Your Type, outlines the diet. According to his theory, I am a nomad, because my blood type is B+. Wikipedia (my font of knowledge for this research) says that "the nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products."

I don't think I will be checking Mr. D'Adamo's book out of the library any time soon.
posted by Jamie at 7:33 AM - 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
New Plan
If you could call it that.

Courtesy of my gastroenterologist, I am going to have a complete colon cleansing on March 11th. While being "cleansed" is an interesting concept to me, the process of cleansing and the tube they will then proceed to shove in my butt are not very interesting concepts to me. In fact, I'd prefer to pretend they won't be happening in 10 days, so now I will just move on.

Starting March 12th, I am going on a diet. I am the type of person who needs to look at things in advance like that. I just can't say "tomorrow I am going to start eating healthy." I need to have that time to work up to a major change.

I have, however, started making minor changes, which hopefully will get things moving. I no longer eat a package of pizza rolls every day. I've been cutting back dramatically on the impulse purchases (read: Twix bars at the checkout) when I go shopping. I've been eating low fat popcorn for snacks a lot, which was a free food when I was doing Core on WW. Jessica also introduced me to Nature's Harvest granola bars, which are freaking fantastic. Those will be my new impulse purchase, I believe.

Any way, so the plan from now until the 11th is to research different diet plans and post them here. By the 11th I plan to have chosen the path I will take.

And seriously, those pictures and numbers are coming.
posted by Jamie at 9:26 AM - 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Day Two
Yeah, day two of what? Still not sure.

Ummmm, I could write down what I've eaten so we can all get an idea of how unhealthy I am to start out with. Yesterday I had 5 crackers, a small box of pizza rolls and this horribly disgusting ham and potato cassarole for supper... so then I had left over sausage and stuffing instead. And then canned pineapple as a midnight snack.

Today I had.... hmmm. A Twix bar and pizza rolls. God, I'm sickening.

Good news is all the pizza rolls are out of the house. I will do my best to not buy them again any time soon. Thy are delish, but soooooooo bad it's not even funny.

I was going to take pictures and stuff yesterday, but Ivy came downstairs and needed me to lay with her before I got the chance.... hopefully tonight.
posted by Jamie at 4:15 PM - 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Post One
Have you ever googled yourself? Well, if you google me, you will find this page. You will also find out I am a movie star. Moving on.

This wedding is in less than eight months and I am not going to put myself on display looking the way I do. Now, I know Andrea's wedding is not all about me. I fully understand that fact, but why let a perfectly fantastic reason to buckle down on the weight loss pass me by?

I am not sure of the plan at this point. I just know there needs to be one. I know it includes documenting the "journey" here, as a kind of motivator. I need that accountability. I think that is why Weight Watchers has worked for me in the past.

Speaking of, I may join WW again.... they keep sending "Jaie Ritchie" coupons for free registration, but the price per week has gone up $2. I'm also not sure how it would work taking Ivy to meetings. She's a handful, to say the least.

There are plenty of other options that cost money.... Lifestyles (the gym), Jazzercise, the Y. I'm just not sure I need it if I have the motivation of being a fatty on display. Of course, there are other motivations. My size 18 pants that are getting a wee bit tight. The fact that I can't play with Ivy like I want to. The fact that I need to be a good example for her so she doesn't end up this way. We'll see where this whole thing takes me. The thing I'm sure of right now, is that I am starting today. With pictures and a scale and everything.

Stay tuned.
posted by Jamie at 7:21 AM - 0 comments


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Name: Jamie
Home: Toledo, Ohio
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