Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Day Two
Yeah, day two of what? Still not sure.

Ummmm, I could write down what I've eaten so we can all get an idea of how unhealthy I am to start out with. Yesterday I had 5 crackers, a small box of pizza rolls and this horribly disgusting ham and potato cassarole for supper... so then I had left over sausage and stuffing instead. And then canned pineapple as a midnight snack.

Today I had.... hmmm. A Twix bar and pizza rolls. God, I'm sickening.

Good news is all the pizza rolls are out of the house. I will do my best to not buy them again any time soon. Thy are delish, but soooooooo bad it's not even funny.

I was going to take pictures and stuff yesterday, but Ivy came downstairs and needed me to lay with her before I got the chance.... hopefully tonight.
posted by Jamie at 4:15 PM - 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Post One
Have you ever googled yourself? Well, if you google me, you will find this page. You will also find out I am a movie star. Moving on.

This wedding is in less than eight months and I am not going to put myself on display looking the way I do. Now, I know Andrea's wedding is not all about me. I fully understand that fact, but why let a perfectly fantastic reason to buckle down on the weight loss pass me by?

I am not sure of the plan at this point. I just know there needs to be one. I know it includes documenting the "journey" here, as a kind of motivator. I need that accountability. I think that is why Weight Watchers has worked for me in the past.

Speaking of, I may join WW again.... they keep sending "Jaie Ritchie" coupons for free registration, but the price per week has gone up $2. I'm also not sure how it would work taking Ivy to meetings. She's a handful, to say the least.

There are plenty of other options that cost money.... Lifestyles (the gym), Jazzercise, the Y. I'm just not sure I need it if I have the motivation of being a fatty on display. Of course, there are other motivations. My size 18 pants that are getting a wee bit tight. The fact that I can't play with Ivy like I want to. The fact that I need to be a good example for her so she doesn't end up this way. We'll see where this whole thing takes me. The thing I'm sure of right now, is that I am starting today. With pictures and a scale and everything.

Stay tuned.
posted by Jamie at 7:21 AM - 0 comments


About Me
Name: Jamie
Home: Toledo, Ohio
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